Even the Forgotten Lose Children

Forgotten by most of society, Maryam Henderson experienced two devastating events that ultimately changed her course: a 25-year prison sentence and the death of her son, Augustine.

Maryam was serving her sentence at St. Gabriel’s Louisiana Correctional Institute for Women when she received the news that her oldest son had died in a motorcycle accident. There were no social or mental support systems available for Maryam. In addition to the absence of professional assistance, she could not even take refuge in the support of her prison community. A gesture as simple as a hug from another inmate could result in a minimum 90-day stay in solitary confinement, known as “The Hole.”

Recently, there has been mounting attention surrounding policies and practices for incarcerated women – and for good reason. According to the US Department of Justice, since 1980 there has been a 716 percent increase in female incarceration. In Louisiana, black women are incarcerated four times more than white women. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, more than half of America’s prison population has a child under 18. The racial inequities surrounding child loss are staggering. Black Americans are two and a half times more likely to lose a child by age 20 and three times more likely by the time they reach 50-70 years of age.

“I am continuing to live with it: the death of my son and re-entry into society,” Maryam shares. Knowing firsthand the unequal support former female inmates receive, Maryam has channeled her energy and love into supporting formerly incarcerated women through her upstart venture SisterHearts Boutique & Thrift Store. “SisterHearts” is an affectionate term identifying women formerly incarcerated, those still in prison, and others who have supported Maryam since her release.

SisterHearts Boutique &Thrift Store is no small affair. The 15,000 square-foot facility is located in St. Bernard Parish, one of the areas hardest hit by Hurricane Katrina and an integral part of the community. Beyond offering goods ranging from common household items to clothes to furniture, SisterHearts focuses on “decarceration” training by creating a safe space for transition back into society. “Decarceration” focuses on rebuilding identity and empowerment by reversing negative behaviors.

She also has made transitional housing a focus of her efforts. Maryam knows from her experience in the criminal justice system that inmates are required to provide a residential address as a condition for release. For a variety of reasons, many women lose their homes while serving their sentences. To address this challenge, Maryam offers a free six-bed facility for those women who have no home to return to or a safe place to stay upon reentering society.

While she clearly focuses on serving formerly incarcerated women, Maryam also works with former male inmates, who support the store. Michael Coleman has been with SisterHearts since the beginning and has developed customer service, merchandise repair, and management skills.

While Maryam provides practical and emotional support for those much of society has forgotten, she faces common struggles as a small business owner and bereaved parent. “I live with Augustine’s absence daily. Just like a mother’s love, this pain can never be erased. I honor his memory by loving others and working hard every day to strengthen my heart.”