Every day, we work to make the world a more livable place for all bereaved people.

Red Douglas
Manager, Higher Ed Initiatives
Red is a Ph.D. Candidate in Higher Education Leadership at Oakland University in Rochester, MI. His doctoral research focuses on the phenomena of grief and bereavement among students in higher education environments and ways administrators can best support students who experience loss. Red serves as the co-chair of the Students and New Professionals Committee within the Association for Death Education and Counseling (ADEC) and is co-founder of Arrow Academic Consulting, a social entrepreneurship firm that advocates for and provides assistance to students and scholars from diverse backgrounds, including first-generation students, international students, and veterans.

Jena Kirkpatrick
Manager, Outreach & Engagement
Jena is a writer, community organizer, and social activist. Her work for Evermore is in honor of her son, Ellis, who was killed in 2011. She was instrumental in securing House support for bereavement care in the FY21 Congressional budget. Jena garnered national support for Evermore by asking Grammy-nominated musicians to participate in the “For Evermore” summit and write a song, especially for Evermore. She is responsible for advancing bereavement care and Evermore’s mission through client outreach and external communications. Jena is the editor of the Evermore Community Newsletter and Emerging Science & Trends Newsletter. She identifies ambassadors and develops community events and campaigns.

Joyal Mulheron
Executive Director
Joyal spent twenty-five years advising high-ranking politicians, including governors and The White House, and translating basic science into public policy. She has enjoyed leading significant initiatives for the National Governors Association, the National Academies of Science, and the American Cancer Society. Joyal holds a master’s in biotechnology from Johns Hopkins University and degrees in Biochemistry and English from Virginia Tech, as well as a minor in Chemistry. After a series of high-profile death events and the death of her daughter, Ms. Mulheron founded Evermore to change policy, advance research, and improve the lives of bereaved children and families.

Jean Singer, MBA, PhD
Director, Strategy and Operations
Jean has more than 20 years experience as a management consultant, applying social network principles and techniques to help companies improve performance and employee well-being. Her clients have included Fortune 500 pharmaceutical companies, global financial institutions, and leading technology firms. Jean works with Evermore to help build operational capability and organizational growth. She also applies her background in the study of social networks to research on the impacts of bereavement on social connection. She holds a bachelors degree in chemical engineering, an MBA, and a PhD in human and organizational systems.

Thomas Weiser, MD
Director, Health Initiatives
Dr. Weiser has spent his public health career working with tribal people as a Medical Epidemiologist with the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board (NPAIHB) on behalf of the Portland Area Indian Health Service. As Co-chair of the Portland Area IHS IRB, he provided expert consultation for researchers regarding human subjects’ protections as they specifically apply to research in Native communities. His research has focused on developing, evaluating, and improving surveillance systems to identify diseases and conditions affecting NW Native people, building capacity to respond to various conditions, including vaccine-preventable diseases, childhood disabilities, hepatitis C, and preventing deaths from opioid misuse and suicide. His teaching and mentoring experience includes serving as a course instructor for the NW Native Research Centers for Health and as the primary field supervisor for four CDC Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) officers assigned to NPAIHB. His interest in supporting Evermore comes from his own grief journey following the death of his eldest daughter in 2016.

Angelyn Wollen, LGSW
Director, Board Management
Angelyn is a licensed psychotherapist in DC who helps emerging adults – including those navigating grief and loss – develop the tools to live fuller and more fulfilling lives. Angelyn brings decades of experience in communications, strategic thinking, and organizational operations to support Evermore’s mission of improving the lives of bereaved children and families.

Carole Zoom
Director, Community Action
Carole has been a community organizer since 1991, trained by the Industrial Areas Foundation. Born with congenital Muscular Dystrophy, Zoom uses a ventilator and mobility scooter full-time. As the former Executive Director of the Coalition of Texans with Disabilities, Zoom helped lead the Texas contingent to pass the Americans with Disabilities Act. Zoom directed the National Clearinghouse on Disability and Exchange and served as the leading exchange coordinator for Mobility International USA. She has represented disability and travel issues in major media such as NBC News, National Public Radio, Washington Post, AARP, and New Mobility. Carole served as Evermore’s Outreach Coordinator from October 2022 to January 2023, hosting hundreds of meetings with community leaders across the nation.