Employers Bereavement Leave Pledge

Employers Bereavement Leave Pledge

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The Employers Bereavement Leave Pledge

As our nation faces the COVID-19, drug overdoses, suicide and mass gun violence events, employers are forced to acknowledge bereavement and its implications for families, while staying solvent and productive. To provide employers guidance on bereavement leave policies, we have developed four recommendations that employers can use to ease employees back into the workplace and create a culture of goodwill.

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Clear, written guidance

Employers with five or more employees should have clear, written bereavement leave benefit policies in employee handbooks or outlined in similar guidance.



Small employers (fewer than 50 employees)

Small employers (fewer than 50 employees) should offer five days of unpaid leave to bereaved employees following the death of a close family member; thereby, permitting individuals to return to work at the conclusion of the five-day unpaid, leave period.



Mid-sized employers (50-499 employees)

Mid-sized employers (between 50 and 499 employees) should offer five days of paid leave following the death of a close family member and employees should have the option of two additional weeks of unpaid bereavement leave; thereby, permitting individuals to return to work at the conclusion of the 15-day leave period.



Large employers (500 or more employees)

Large employers (more than 500 employees) should offer ten days of paid leave following the death of a close family member and employees should have the option of two additional weeks of unpaid bereavement leave; thereby, permitting individuals to return to work at the conclusion of the 20-day leave period.

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We are building our Nation’s response to bereavement for all Americans. Now is the time to innovate bereavement care…and that’s why we’re here. 

Our families deserve it.

Arguably, more than ever.

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