Grief, it doesn’t change in size…

Your life is a box, and this grief is a box inside that box, and it’s occupying a large portion of it. And as life continues, the bigger box gets bigger and that grief, it doesn’t change in size. It’s still there, but there’s just more room in your life, other aspects...

You can’t stay in the dark place

I don’t even know where to begin. In 1987, when I was 20, I was in a bad car accident. My 3-year-old daughter, who was with me, was shaken up and had two black eyes, but otherwise seemed all right. Someone called my parents and my mom took me to the hospital. I was 38...

For Some Bereaved Parents, Grief is Compounded by Identity Theft

Matt and Roya Pilcher were among the millions of Americans who slogged dutifully through the process of filing their taxes in 2011. But that year they joined countless other bereaved parents in experiencing pain far beyond the inconvenience of paperwork. Not only had...