SAMHSA Releases Its First Grief and Bereavement Fact Sheets

SAMHSA Releases Its First Grief and Bereavement Fact Sheets

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, or “SAMHSA,” has released its first grief and bereavement fact sheets. These fact sheets represent a substantial step forward in the U.S. government, acknowledging the scope and scale of grief and bereavement in American society. Not only are these the first fact sheets from SAMHSA, but these are also the first series of fact sheets by any federal agency and a direct result of the years of engagement you, Evermore’s base, have worked to advance among our federal partners.

The fact sheets include information and tips on supporting bereaved adults and children, including grief reactions, responses, and the varying time frames for grief processing and adaption. The fact sheets also suggest potential coping methods and ways for someone to access additional help.

If you are supporting someone experiencing bereavement and grief, these fact sheets offer tips on what to say and ways to help, as well as identifying warning signs that someone might need further support.

This is another step forward as grief and bereavement are addressed in an evidence-informed fashion in our nation. Way to go, team! 🙌

With Your Generous Support, We Are Making the World a More Livable Place for All Bereaved People

With Your Generous Support, We Are Making the World a More Livable Place for All Bereaved People


By Joyal Mulheron

Ten years ago, no one talked about bereavement‘s impact on our nation or our lives. Today, bereavement is highlighted in major media outlets, in the halls of Congress, and in our communities. Together, we are making lasting social change for all bereaved people.

Right now, there is no major philanthropist or foundation that funds bereavement policy and systems change. Evermore is only supported by ‘the people.’

It sounds cliché, I know. I, too, receive donation solicitations saying the same thing, but here, for us, for Evermore, it’s true. We are only supported by everyday Americans who believe in our work and the future we envision.

Our work and success would not be possible without your support.

We’ve been able to achieve substantial change on a shoestring budget, but it is just that…a shoestring. As large-scale changes are underway, we are being pulled in more directions than ever to ensure that the foundations of bereavement care and support in America are of the highest quality and meet the needs of all people.

In 2024 alone, Evermore has facilitated America’s:

> First report to Congress on grief and bereavement,

> First federal healthcare report on grief and bereavement (it’s still in progress), and

> First federal meeting on the issue.

Evermore worked with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the nation’s chief mental health agency, to:

> Recognize National Grief Awareness Week for the first time.

> Release its first webpage on grief and bereavement,

> Host two webinars on the topic, where 2,000 people registered for one webinar!

We partnered with the Social Security Administration and The White House to advance systems that identify and engage orphaned children and their caregivers to confer up to $15 billion in Social Security benefits. Today, more than half of all orphans are not receiving the benefits their parents earned. This needs to change.

👉 If you know a child under the age of 18 who has experienced the death of a parent, they may be eligible for the Social Security benefits their parents earned. You can learn more about this little-known economic benefit here, or you can share Evermore’s guidance on how to navigate the Social Security Administration for obtaining these benefits. Be forewarned, it is a process and we are working to change that.

We launched a bi-weekly scientific newsletter to complement our community newsletter (if you don’t receive our newsletters sign up here). You shared photos of your loved ones, sent us treasured family recipes. You introduced us to important community programming, where Evermore could lend support to programs such as a Hip Hop program in the South Bronx.

With Evermore’s Poet Laureate Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer, we hosted poetry workshops that created community poetry and shared your moving personal stories and experiences (you can sign up for our next workshop here).

Evermore launched an initiative to secure bereavement leave for students in post-secondary educational institutions. You’ll hear some exciting updates about this work in 2025.

And, we partnered with Newsweek, spotlighting stories of bereaved parents and how they have coped in the aftermath of their child’s death (if you’re interested in submitting a story, learn more here).

We even hosted our first benefit rock concert with The Bright Light Social Hour, Parker Woodland, and others. I hope you can plan to join us next Fall in Austin, Texas!

Thought leaders and decision-makers are increasingly taking note of the significant transformations that are underway.

Over the last year, our work was featured on PBS NewsHour’s Brief But Spectacular and Harvard’s Public Health magazine, among others.

All of this has been possible because of you and your support.

Thousands of you have believed in our vision and the tomorrow we hold. It has been both humbling and inspiring.

Please consider making a donation today. So many people are relying on us to make the world a more livable place for all bereaved people. 2025 holds so much more, and I can’t wait to share what’s in the works!

Thank you for your encouragement, support, and the opportunity to lead this change.

With love,

Joyal Mulheron

Founder & Executive Director, Evermore

10 Years of Making the World a More Livable Place for All Bereaved People

Evermore is Making the World a More Livable Place for All Bereaved People


Fourteen years ago today, I was sitting on my couch, trying to make sense out of what just happened to our family. Our terminally ill daughter, Eleanora, had died a few weeks prior. While others sang holiday songs and gleefully exchanged gifts, it was a profoundly painful, dark, and isolating time for me. 

Within a few short years, I quit my career because I saw tragedies saturating our national headlines, leaving a trail of unseen and unsupported bereaved people in their wake, and I believed our nation should prioritize the needs of all bereaved people. Today’s systems and culture kick us while we’re down, all the while telling us to bare-knuckle our way through grief. Then, when we’re feeling defeated and broken, we’re told to be resilient and get back to work. This is what I set out to change.

This year, more than any other, Evermore has made incredible strides in making the world a more livable place for all bereaved people. We grew our community portfolio to support grieving young adults in a Hip Hop program in the South Bronx, hosted poetry workshops with more than 400 people, and launched an initiative to secure bereavement leave for students in post-secondary educational institutions.

We’ve connected with our supporters more than 40,000 times through our newsletter, events, and advocacy. People shared photos of their loved ones and sent us treasured family recipes. Hundreds of us jammed at our very own rock concert with The Bright Light Social Hour and Parker Woodland in Austin, Texas (please come rock out with us next year!).

Evermore’s groundbreaking advocacy efforts resulted in our nation’s first Report to Congress, which provided an overview of grief and bereavement services in the United States. Next year, a report analyzing more than 8,000 scientific studies will be published, reviewing the highest quality interventions for bereaved peoplewhich was championed by Evermore and endorsed by Congress. 

SAMHSA, the nation’s mental health agency, recognized National Grief Awareness Week for the first time. It released its first webpage on the topic. It released its first webpage on grief and bereavement and hosted its first two webinars on the topic, where nearly 2,000 people registered for one webinar alone! We partnered with the Social Security Administration and The White House to advance systems that identify and engage parentally bereaved children and their caregivers to confer up to $15 billion in Social Security benefits that are not being conferred to orphaned children today.

Evermore, in partnership with Penn State and the University of California, has original research pending in an esteemed academic journal that identifies key bereavement trends for the first time. We launched a bi-weekly newsletter covering emerging science and trends in bereavement.

We partnered with Newsweek, spotlighting stories of bereaved parents and how they have coped in the aftermath of their child’s death. Our work was featured on PBS NewsHour’s Brief But Spectacular and Harvard’s Public Health magazine, among others. 

It’s an incredible feeling to be a part of this. I am honored that you’ve joined me in believing that our nation can do better. What we set out to do is actually happening, and so many lives will be impacted. 

Together, Evermore is changing the way our nation prioritizes and attends to grieving and bereaved people.

We already know 2025 will be another year of transformative change (you’ll have to tune in to see what’s around the corner; I’m excited about it).

But I want to be clear. None of this would be possible without your support. Evermore is solely supported by our people, people like you. It is because of your solidarity and support that we have achieved so much. Please consider making a donation this holiday season. Every gift brings us closer to a world where all bereaved people can live vibrant, healthy, and prosperous lives. 

Thank you for your support, encouragement, and belief in our work. Together, we are making the world a more livable place for all bereaved people.  

With gratitude,

Joyal Mulheron
Executive Director, Evermore

Make Orphaned Children a Priority for the Social Security Administration: Submit Your Comments Today

Right now, the Social Security Administration (SSA) is soliciting public comments on the use and conversation of Social Security benefits and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments for foster children, including those who are orphaned. Your comments are important, and you can take action by re-submitting Evermore’s formal comments to the SSA, which recommends the federal agency focus on three priorities:
1) Address under-enrollment in both Social Security benefits and SSI, as only half of children receive the benefit,
2) Prioritize child survivorship programs and benefits as an SSA top priority and
3) Enhance state support by offering technical assistance, educational offerings, and related services to upskill community organizations, agency staff, and other key leaders in children’s lives on the importance of Social Security benefits and SSI.
According to experts, more than half of orphans in the United States (children who have experienced the death of one or both parents before their 18th birthday) are not receiving the Social Security benefits that they are eligible to receive. These benefits are often a result of hard-earned taxpayer dollars by a child/ren’s parents, who anticipated these benefits would be conferred to their child/ren upon death. If current trends hold true, then upwards to $15,000,000,000 is not being conferred to orphaned children annually.


Evermore believes it is incumbent that SSA prioritizes orphanhood benefits, find these children, and confer the benefits that are rightfully theirs, thus offering them a future as healthy and prosperous as their non-bereaved counterparts. Indeed, it is our moral obligation to do so.


By following the link below, you may re-submit Evermore’s comments and include your own story or rationale as to why this is an important concern. Every comment matters. Please submit your comments today. SSA will stop accepting comments on Monday, December 2, 2024.



Read the federal solicitation here: Request for Information: Use and Conservation of Social Security Benefits and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Payments That Representative Payees Receive for Beneficiaries Residing in Foster Care

Report to Congress: An Overview of Bereavement and Grief Services in the United States

With Evermore’s support and encouragement, Congress passed the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023, directing the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to produce a report on the need for bereavement and grief services in the United States. Last week, just prior to the national election, the report was released to the public. To our knowledge, it is the first report by the U.S. and a direct result of Evermore’s leadership.

The report examined the scope of need for quality grief services, assessed the demand for such services, and provided a holistic evaluation of affected populations. This included identifying necessary interventions for specific groups, such as healthcare workers and other impacted demographics, and assessing the prevalence of conditions like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and complicated grief (CG). Additionally, the role of hospice programs in offering community bereavement support was underscored as essential to addressing these growing needs.

Findings from an environmental scan and interviews with experts, including researchers, advocates, and clinicians, reveal that grief responses are complex and vary widely. Approximately 10% of bereaved adults develop prolonged grief disorder (PGD) or CG, though contributors suggest these figures might be underestimated due to diagnostic complexities and overlapping mental health issues. PGD frequently co-occurs with PTSD, depression, and substance use disorder, posing challenges for treatment. Children, caregivers, veterans, and individuals who experience traumatic loss are among those most affected by PGD. Effective support services span from traditional therapy to music therapy, emphasizing trauma-informed care, while schools and mental health settings serve as critical sites for identifying those in need.

The report highlights hospice as a crucial service in promoting healthy bereavement by offering anticipatory support and post-loss coping mechanisms. However, concerns about access inequities and the shift toward for-profit hospice models were noted. Systemic factors like race and socioeconomic status also influence access to bereavement services, with disparities particularly prominent for communities of color. Although the COVID-19 pandemic has increased awareness around grief and reduced stigma, it has also amplified service demands, especially in underserved communities. Many contributors support a more comprehensive approach to grief that goes beyond medicalization, advocating for a nuanced understanding of grief’s social and cultural dimensions.

The report suggests that current bereavement services are fragmented and inequitable, with a need for a more comprehensive, less medicalized approach to grief support. Recommendations include enhancing healthcare systems, improving access to services, and addressing the inequities in bereavement support.


Read the full Report to Congress: An Overview of Bereavement and Grief Services in the United States here.

Got Questions? National Call To Discuss the U.S. Government’s First Report on Grief & Bereavement

Got Questions? National Call to Discuss the U.S. Government’s First Report on Grief & Bereavement

We’re Here to Answer Your Questions:

Join Us!

]In May, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), a little-known government agency, released its draft report, “Interventions to Improve Care of Bereaved People.” This is the U.S. government’s first report on grief and bereavement, and AHRQ is accepting public comments until Friday, June 28, 2024.

  • You can submit your comments via this link.
  • Additional context for the report can be found here.

If you have questions, consider joining Evermore’s national call this Friday at 1 p.m. Eastern Time.

Reviewers found that “important gaps in our knowledge of various aspects of bereavement care” remain. This report is a first step toward advancing bereavement care for all bereaved people, but a lot more work needs to be done.

Your voice, questions, and concerns are important. Please consider submitting them today.